Session Descriptions
WS1: Opening New Avenues of Knowledge and Engagement Through Action Research (AR): An Approach to Evidence Based Decision Making, Alfredo Ortiz
This workshop will be presented as a primer on AR in its different guises (e.g. community-based participatory research (CBPR), cooperative inquiry (CI), action learning (AL), action science, participatory action research (PAR), etc.) and its uses its uses in diverse settings. The workshop will itself use AR methods to highlight skills needed in AR processes. Participants will bring in their own experiences as well to explore opportunities and challenges of using AR in school psychology environments. The workshop will address the following questions: How might AR be used as an approach to improve evidence for decision making and decision implementation (to complement literature-based approaches); to better incorporate local knowledge, data, and norms in school psychology; to improve student, parent and community involvement: to improve cultural responsiveness?
WS2: Neuropsychology of ED: A Framework for Effective Interventions, Dr. Steven Feifer
This workshop will explore the neural architecture of emotional behavior by examining various brain structures laying the foundation for higher level social skill functioning. Specific biological factor related to the development of social competence and emotional self-regulation will be explored. There will be a detailed discussion on behavioral self-regulation, anxiety disorders, and depression form a brain-based educational perspective. Particular focus will be on factors leading to emotional dysregulation and the neurobiological underpinnings of stress and trauma on the brain. Schools can enhance emotional wellness in children through early prevention efforts, appropriate assessment strategies, and an improved school climate to foster emotional growth for all children.
WS3: Program Evaluation: Design, Implementation and Advocacy in Schools, Andrea Guajardo & Leah Neubauer
This workshop will introduce participants to the theoretical, methodological and ethical foundations for conducting program evaluation. Participants will engage in an interactive discussion about aspects of evaluation including: conducting an evaluability assessment, developing logic models and evaluation questions, identifying appropriate data collection methods, gathering reliable and valid evaluation data that are appropriate to the selected design and analysis methods, analyzing data, reporting evaluation results, ensuring and advocating for evaluation use, and communicating with stakeholders. The co-facilitators will foster a learning and skill-building environment, drawing on professional experiences with culturally-responsive, utilization-focused, and systems evaluation.
FS01: Improving Student Outcomes with Evidence Based SEL, Positive Action
This session will provide specific ideas for how school psychologists lead school change by integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into every classroom using a systematic, curricular approach called Positive Action. Participants will understand how systematically building fundamental skills for the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development of children reduces the demands on teachers, improves school climate and creates space in the school for learning. Participants will leave with new ideas and energy for engaging students in a transformative educational process.
KEYNOTE: TASP Legislative and Regulatory Update, Marty De Leon, Thomas Schanding, Cassandra Hulsey, Brook Roberts, and Stephanie Barbre
FS02: Resilience Isn't Just for Students: Harnessing the Power of Resilience in Your Personal and Professional Life, Sam Goldstein
Dr. Goldstein will briefly review scientific evidence as to the importance and effectiveness of resilience, the available research concerning applying and teaching resilience strategies and the application of these qualities within the person, family and environment in the lives of school psychologists. Dr. Goldstein will discuss the relevant variables involving temperament, mindset, family and professional relationships as well as the extended community in shaping and reinforcing a resilient mindset. He will offer a framework taking into account a range of biological, psychological and social factors, each with multi-directional influence in contributing not just to adequate functioning but flourishing over time. He will offer a set of guidelines to harness the power of resilience in shaping a stress hardy mindset.
FS03: Top-rated Evidence-based SEL Curriculum Training, Positive Action
This session will prepare educators to use the Positive Action system to integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) into their classrooms. It will be a fast-paced experience combining theory and hands-on practice to give educators practical tools they can use to deal with real challenges in the classroom. Participants will understand how systematically building fundamental skills for the physical, intellectual, social and emotional development of children reduces the demands on teachers, improves school climate, and creates space in the school for learning. Teachers will dive into the Positive Action tools for their grade level and leave confident in their ability to implement something new and powerful.
FS04: A Strategic Approach to Creating Purposeful and Efficient Assessment Practices Using Core-Selective Evaluation Process (C-SEP), Dr. Tammy Stephens & Dr. Edward Schultz
In response to the improvements in test design and the ongoing quest to identify students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) in the most efficient and accurate manner, it’s time for evaluators to alter their way of conducting evaluations. This session will discuss the history of SLD evaluation and explore an efficient model for planning and assessing for SLD. The Core-Selective Evaluation Process (C-SEP) was conceptualized and recently introduced into the field. This approach to SLD identification is a third-method pattern of strengths and weakness (PSW) informed by contemporary cognitive theory (e.g. CHC, PASS) and features the application of professional judgment, integrated data analysis techniques, and the use of statistical support to help guide decisions. The organizational framework of C-SEP is a set of sound educational practices logically interwoven to provide the most comprehensive, statistically sound, and legally defensible assessment of SLD. This presentation will further describe the organizational framework of C-SEP, distinguish C-SEP from other methods, and provide an illustration of this model using a case study.
FS05: Special Education Leadership for School Psychologists (Implications of Corrective Action), Marissa Ximenez
The LSSP as a practitioner has demonstrated the ability to respond to a call for increased accountability in general education and special education, shifting curricula mindset from a traditional diagnostic framework to include organizational and leadership effectiveness. Throughout this presentation attendees will be able to identify key behaviors, skills, dispositions, and contextual variables that will facilitate successful leadership among practicing LSSPs.
FS06: Ethics for School Psychologists 2018: Decision Making from Multiple Perspectives, Dr. Laurie Klose
MS01: Using the ARC Model with Students with Histories of Trauma: A Skills Based Discussion, Diana Cook, Alana Egan, Amy N. Gorniak, & Julia Strait
The Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) model is a theoretical and intervention framework intended to be used flexibly with children and families who have experienced trauma or chronic stress (Blaustein & Kinniburgh, 2010). It targets caregiver and child behaviors promoting secure relationships, emotion management skills, and executive functioning. This mini-skills session, intended for an intermediate skill level audience with some knowledge of trauma, will focus on what identifying and supporting the use of such behaviors for service providers and children when trauma is known or suspected. It applies to Domains 2, 4, and 6 of the NASP practice model.
MS02: Tourette and Tics - The LSSP Role for 504 and Special Education, Sandra Buffolano
The LSSP serves a vital role in merging the Tourette or tic diagnosis with the education of a student with tic disorders. This published author brings the LSSP role into the classroom, the 504/ IEP meeting, and the life of the student and family. Educational resources and counseling techniques are also given to provide the LSSP with practical application and realistic consultation services. Learning objectives: 1. Creating individual service plans for students with tic disorders. 2. The LSSP role and partnerships with parents, teachers, and students. 3. Developing FBAs, BIPs, and counseling goals. 4. Awareness of resources that are available.
MS03: Introduction to the Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test (Ortiz PVAT), Amy Patenaude
Come learn about the Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test (Ortiz PVAT). The Ortiz PVAT is a digital receptive vocabulary acquisition test appropriate for native English speakers and English speakers language learners. Best practices in English language learner assessment and ey features of the Ortiz PVAT will be reviewies. Practitioners will learn how to administer and interpret the Ortiz PVAT as well as receive sample materials and an opportunity to tr the Ortiz PVAT firsthand.
MS04: Social Media Affects, Dr. Lillie Haynes, Connie Rodriguez, & Julie Gomez
This study explores middle school students’ and their parents’ perception and usage of social media measured by anxiety and depression screeners to examine any causal relationships between perceptions, time usage, anxiety and depression during the 2018 School Year. Experienced practitioners will gain additional tools and insight working with generation Z. This study highlighted that 25% of students reported sleep loss, annoyance, anger and secretive behaviors in regards to their personnel social media usage.
FS07: 10 Things Every LSSP in Texas Needs to Know About Dyslexia, Kara Zwolinski
FS08: The Science of Executive Functioning: New Data, New Ideas and the Comprehensive Executive Functioning Inventory, Sam Goldstein
In this presentation, Dr. Goldstein, co-author of the Comprehensive Executive Functioning Inventory (CEFI) will provide a brief overview the of historical and current theories and definitions of executive functioning (EF), discuss the most current research reflecting the core issues that comprise these hypothesized functions, review behaviors considered characteristic of EF as well as current diagnostic protocols. The presentation will include a discussion of data from the largest epidemiological/standardization sample completed thus far, examining EF in the general population of children. These data, as well as data from other research sources, demonstrate a science-based foundation for appreciating the components of executive functioning. The presentation will provide an emphasis and theoretical framework for understanding EF in light of intellectual achievement and neuropsychological functioning. Emphasis will be placed on the CEFI, the first nationally standardized norm referenced instrument designed to identify executive functioning in youth two through eighteen years of age. The presentation will conclude with an overview of current treatment strategies, modalities and future challenges.
FS09: Top-rated Evidence-based SEL Curriculum Training, Part 2 Train-the-Trainers, Positive Action
This is a continuation of the earlier Positive Action training session, designed to provide more in-depth information and to prepare participants to train others to implement Positive Action successfully. The experience will be almost entirely hands-on, diving deeper into the Positive Action tools and following the steps successful teachers have been using to implement Positive Action for over 30 years. Common questions and stumbling bocks will be answered and resolved. Participants will leave ready to lead Positive Action implementation in their school with new skills and insights, as well as tools only available to Train-the-Trainer participants.
FS10: Data Collection and Pattern-Seeking Techniques Using Multiple Sources of Data: A Vital Component of C-SEP, Dr. Tammy Stephens & Dr. Edward Schultz
Using pattern seeking techniques as part of your evaluation is vital to SLD identification. There are many definitions of patterns and there is debate between a pattern and a profile. Part of pattern seeking includes an evaluator’s professional judgment when analyzing the data. This session will focus on a best practice approach to conducting an assessment through the integration of multiple sources of data. The presenter(s) will focus on assessment planning, assessment steps using the C-SEP model, interpretation and triangulation of data, and the role professional judgment plays as you conduct your assessment. Integration of the data will be demonstrated by reviewing case studies and making sound decisions as they apply to SLD determination. Upon completion participants will have a better understanding of the C-SEP evaluation process, pattern seeking techniques, and the role that professional judgment plays in SLD identification.
FS11: Pride and Privilege: Diversity Training Now More than Ever, Dr. Peter Thomas
The changing sociopolitical landscape has become more divisive and complex now more than ever. Navigating these issues within the context of therapy remains one of our most important and difficult tasks. Dr. Thomas will address the issues of diversity competency, privilege, discomfort, microaggressions, implicit bias and other issues that are present in therapy when working with clients different from ourselves. Through powerful experiential exercise and lecture, Dr. Thomas can help you understand your own cultural lens and how it pertains to the working therapeutic relationship. Interactive, powerful, and thought provoking. Goals: Increase the therapist’s understanding of how diversity issues impact the therapeutic relationship; Increase the therapist’s own understanding of blocks to raising our awareness of diversity issues; and Increase their understanding of their client’s and own cultural lens.
FS12: The Evolution of FAPE: From Rowley to Endrew F, David F. Bateman
This session will cover how the requirements of a free appropriate public education have changed since the original passage of the law in 1975. It will also provide guidance to school psychologists in light of the recent Endrew F. Supreme Court decision.
PA01: Conners CPT 3, Conners CATA, and Conners K-CPT 2: Introduction and Application, Amy Patenaude
During this presentation, participants will be introduced to the Conners CPT 3, the Conners CATA, and the Conners K-CPT 2 and their utilities as effective assessment tools in data-based decision making. Background and history of continuous performance tests will be provided. Review will be made of content, administration, scoring, key psychometric properties, and interpretation of the assessments. A relevant case study will be applied to the recommended multi-step intervention process in suing the assessments.
MS05: Pediatric Illness and Integration/Reintegration into Schools, Jocelyn Gomez & Monica Martinez
The number of students identified with “other health impairments” has increased from 11% to 14% between 2013 and 2016. School functioning and reintegration after a pediatric illness can be difficult for patients and their families, leaving the child vulnerable to academic, behavioral, and social-emotional difficulties. The proposed presentation will provide a review of the research for school reintegration and specific interventions recommended to improve school functioning. Key components of existing reintegration models including recommendations for specific stakeholders will be presented, followed by case examples of the reintegration program for students with pediatric burn injury and traumatic brain injury.
MS06: How to Defend the FIE and Survive a Due Process Hearing, Linda Gellman & Pamela Moore Ellis
The final and often most adversarial option to resolve concerns regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement of a child with a disability is the due process hearing. The experience of being called as a witness in a due process hearing has concerned special education staff since the passage of the IDEA which expanded the right of due process. Researchers have reported that no event in education causes more anxiety amongst school staff than being called upon to testify in a hearing. Participants in due process hearings often describe events leading up to the hearing and the hearing itself as stressful, adversarial, time-consuming, and even traumatic. Studies have found connection between feelings of burn out and participation in a due process hearing. Defending the FIE is most commonly the role of the LSSP in due process hearings. Expertise in testing procedures and instrument-specific knowledge is required.
MS07: Using the Eligibility Process to Deepen Relationships with Families, Michelle Zweibach & Susan Houser
This session will review strategies and techniques to connect with and empower families, which results in a better understanding of evaluation results and more meaningful recommendations for positive student outcomes. Participants will learn to explain evaluation results to parents in a way that is easily understood and similar to a conversation rather than a lecture, participate more meaningfully in the IEP process in order to make meaningful data-driven decisions to improve student outcomes; and communicate more effectively with parents in order to foster a long-term relationship or respect an understanding.
MS08: Ethical and Practical Considerations for Independent Practice in the Private Sector: Implications of Recent Rules Changes, Dr. Alfred Amado & Dr. Victor Villarreal
Because of recent rules changes, a greater number of psychology practitioners in Texas have the opportunity to practice independently. However, practitioners that have not focused on independent practice or on practice outside of school settings may be unfamiliar with critical aspects of independent practice. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss ethical and practical business aspects of mental health service delivery in independent practice in the private sector. Attendees will learn about related implications of recent rules changes in Texas, ethical principles that apply to independent practice, and business aspects and considerations for working in the private sector.
FS13: Trainers Session, Sarah Mire
FS14: Non-Suicidal Self Injury: From Cutting to Collaboration, Dr. Peter Thomas
Although increases in suicide are on the rise, non-suicidal self-injury remains just as prominent as it has over the last few decades. Dr. Thomas’ presentation will address the most current trends and treatment in self-injury, address our discomfort and bias in working with those who do, and provide supported treatment measures to ensure your own competency in addressing these issues. Through lecture and experiential exercises, Dr. Thomas will provide you with a clear understanding of current issues with self-injury and the best practice to help reduce self-harm with our clients. Goals: Understand and better treat our own anxiety in working with NSSI; Address common myths around the issue; and Increase perspectives on functional models of NSSI and therapeutic perspectives for treatment.
FS15: The LSSP, the LP, and the Law: Making Legally Defensible Decisions in Every Day Practice, Dr. Stephanie Barbre, Dr. Stuart Spendlove, & Janet Bubert
The purpose of this panel session is to discuss the implications of psychological evaluations, clinical diagnoses, special education eligibility, and manifestation determinations. This session will focus on an interactive discussion of the issues rather than lecture. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion and ask questions throughout the panel session. The panel will discuss the advantages and practical challenges related to the practice of psychology in schools and clinical settings. In addition, the panel will review the legal parameters and ethical considerations related to best practices when LSSPs are presented with contentious situations and must make decisions that are legally defensible, albeit unpopular. Lastly, the terminal goal of this session is to identify solutions that will aid in the achievement of collaboration and mutual support, as well as improve working relationships among LSSPs and private licensed psychologists when acting in the best interest of the student.
FS16: Increasing BIP Implementation Fidelity: From Filed to Followed, Curt Johnson
Skilled professionals have many potentially successful interventions in their arsenal. This presentation is intended as a systematic way of increasing the fidelity with which these interventions are implemented. More than just a checklist, the workshop dives into the systems and motivations that drive each step and allow it to be tailored to the needs of your specific school.
FS17: Bateria - Revisions, Dr. Tammy Stephens
FS18: Assessing and Monitoring Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Students with Concussion, Dr.Peter Isquith
Over the past decade, increased awareness of the frequency of concussion and potential impact on return to play and to learn have sent thousands of children and adolescents for assessment following concussion. This necessitated developing an efficient and effective assessment and monitoring model and a variety of tools for precisely and accurately measuring the impact of concussion on students’ functioning, and for tracking their recovery via regular monitoring in the home and school settings. In this presentation, we will review the basics of concussion in students, including mechanics, signs and symptoms, expected recovery course, and instruments validated for measuring recovery. We will introduce a variety of instruments available to school psychologists, including the first concise rating scale designed and validated for assessing and monitoring changes in student’s cognition and emotions following concussion.
FS19: Graduate Student Session, Kristin Streich
FS20: Lions, and Tigers and the TEA Strategic Plan, Oh My: What LSSPs Need to Know, Gail Cheramie, Amy Ten Napel, & Kara Zwolinski