How To Be Anti-Ableist
Strengths-Based Autism Criteria
Conversation on Disability on a Spectrum
Disabled Activist's Resources and Training
Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Is Not Just for Patients
10 Principles of Disability Justice
Crip Camp Documentary
Ableism & Racism: Roots of the Same Tree

Unmasking Autism by Dr. Devon Price
Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg
We’re Not Broken by Eric Garcia
What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic by Annie Kotowicz
Camouflage by Dr.Sarah Bargelia
Disability Visibility by Alice Wong

Autism Level Up
I can Network
Autism Self-Advocacy network
Dr. Barry Prizant's "Uniquely Human" book and "Uniquely Human podcast"

The Autism Spectrum is Not Linear, designed by Autism_Sketches on Instagram


Autistic Profiles - Tollerfield, I., Chapman, H.M. & Lovell, A. Underlying Thinking Pattern Profiles Predict Parent-Reported Distress Responses in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord 52, 2112–2131 (2022).

Neurodiversity Affirming Assessment of Autism designed by Mackenzie Sharbine, School Psychology Intern in Texas from Texas Woman's University

The Neurodiversity Circle designed by Suzanne Goh, MD, BCBA, retrieved from